Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Thrift-opedia moves to!!

Thrift-opedia has MOVED to

Let us know what you think of our new home!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Recycle Parts

When you are getting rid of an old computer and replacing it with a new one become a scavenger. Pull out the old hard drive, memory, and CD ROM drives from the old computer before discarding it. If you are getting a new monitor, save your old one.

Of course, store your old mouse and keyboard also. That way if a spill occurs on your new keyboard you can just use your old, spare one until you can get a replacement. Scavenging has saved the wife and I a lot of money.

For other computer tips check here.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Stop the Virus

Nothing can ruin your day, week, and pocketbook more than having to take your computer in to the shop because of a computer virus. Nowadays you can catch them everywhere. Some basic tips are to never open files sent to you by someone through your e-mail even IF you trust that person. Some viruses are sent this way. Protect against viruses with Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7.0
My opinion on this is to invest a little in a good virus program, so you don't have to pay a lot later.

Gaming Cheaply

I am a computer person. I grew up playing games. Anyone who plays games knows buying a new game costs anywhere from $29.95 (for cheap ones) on up. A great way to save money is to shop for games more than two years old. If you prefer shopping online, here's a great site for finding games both old and new

Go to gaming stores and search their bargain bins. You can find great games for under ten dollars. Another great place to look for games is to check out a lending service.

We mostly use that one for our son, because he loves the fact that he can get a new game to play every week.

Build It Yourself!

Ah, you need a new computer but everything seems to cost a fortune. One idea I received for getting a great gaming computer for cheap was to build it myself! I know, it sounds like a complicated idea but it's actually quite simple. The computer I am working on Thrift-opedia on was built by the hands typing this (so you KNOW it's simple to do).

Build the ultimate PC with help from!

By building your own computer, you will not only save money but you will also learn a ton about the components that are required to build a working computer. It saves you money PLUS it is educational. Can't beat that.